
Surprise, Delight & Everything in Between

Alaina McLemore

July 11, 2024 | 2 minute read

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Have you ever thought that about your life or a situation? I know I have. In fact, I’ve never met anyone that told me their life has turned out exactly the way they planned.

When you watch Lauren Akins’ White Chair Film, you’ll see that recurring theme, as well. The life she had planned for herself in college looks different than her life now. Her career, her daily life, even motherhood are all different than she planned, and there were many times she thought, “It wasn’t supposed to be this way.”

Whether you find yourself feeling disappointed with where you are – your job, your relationship status, your home – or you look around and see more blessings than you ever could have expected, life is full of surprises. Friends, if you’re struggling with the disappointment of unmet expectations or unfulfilled dreams, my encouragement to you is to KEEP GOING. There’s a great song that says, “If I’m not dead, then you’re not done,” and that is so true! If you’re still here, reading this blog right now, even if you’re sitting at rock bottom with no idea what the next step forward is, YOU’RE NOT DONE!

For instance, Isaiah 43 reminds us that God can and will make a way where there seems to be no way. Life may not look like you expected it to but that doesn’t mean it’s hopeless or will always be this way. You don’t have to have everything figured out, even if everyone else around you seems to. Just keep going and doing your best to live a life you love and trust God. Change is constant, so just because you aren’t where you want to be right now doesn’t mean you won’t get there or discover an even better future ahead.

To look at Lauren’s life from the outside, it’s tempting to think she’s got it all – fame, fortune, a successful marriage and healthy kids. But what we see on the outside is never the full picture. As you watch her film, you gain an understanding that even with all of those blessings, there were unexpected trials. Things that seem wonderful and easy to those of us looking in actually took tearful prayers, unending patience and crazy faith. When we encounter those trials, we need to cling to the truth that God has a good plan for us. Notice that I said good, not easy.

Friend, wherever you find yourself today, keep going. There are bright days ahead and this season won’t be a waste of time.

Alaina McLemore

Alaina McLemore

Alaina McLemore is the Technical Copywriter for e3 Partners/I Am Second. She has years of experience in agency and in-house environments and a strong expertise in creative and technical writing. She resides in Texas and enjoys music, reading, traveling to the beach and all-things British.

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