Identity & Purpose

Is Your Faith on Fire?

Alaina McLemore

August 01, 2024 | 2 minute read

Faith. It’s something most of us struggle with at various points in our lives, but where would you say your faith is today? Is it on fire, ready to rival even the brightest fireworks? Or has it cooled off?

If I’m being honest, some days I’m looking for a match. It’s not that my faith is absent or even wavering; it’s more like I’m worn out. I’ve been walking through some dark valleys for a few years now and, at times, my flame starts fading. Not because God hasn’t been with me every step or given me exactly what I need, but I’m just tired. I’ve had days where my faith is on fire and the stress and uncertainty of life doesn’t phase me. I’ve also had days where I’ve had to fight for my peace from the moment I open my eyes until I lie back down that night. Sometimes those days are back-to-back. But no matter what the day holds, I always go back to this foundational truth: I can trust God. This valley won’t last forever; there will be joy in the morning.

If you’ve watched our I Am Second film this month featuring Lauren Akins, you know what I’m talking about. In this incredibly personal film, Lauren shares how she and her husband, Thomas Rhett, walked through valleys and learned to hold fast to their faith, even when it seemed impossible. At one point she says, “Lord, I believe you, but how are you going to move this? I believe you, but this feels like we’re never getting out of here.”

Have you ever felt like that? Like the situation you’re in is never going to get better? I know I have. Soul-crushing jobs, seeing friends struggle with the same hurts and hangups year after year or even just waiting on prayers to be answered. You know God is there, but it’s been quiet, and you’re ready to move forward. You know God is moving, but you don’t see it.

When this happens, we have two choices: We can take matters into our own hands and worry and complain, or we can lean into the promises God’s given us and trust him. We can put our focus back on God and refuse to let doubt and fear determine how we go through the day. That’s what Lauren did, and her faith radically changed her life and the lives of those around her.

God is moving on your behalf. Don’t give up on him or your situation, because he certainly hasn’t given up. He promises that he will never leave us or forsake us and also that he has a good plan for those who love him. So if you find yourself in a valley today, don’t despair – God is with you even when you can’t see a way out.

Alaina McLemore

Alaina McLemore

Alaina McLemore is the Technical Copywriter for e3 Partners/I Am Second. She has years of experience in agency and in-house environments and a strong expertise in creative and technical writing. She resides in Texas and enjoys music, reading, traveling to the beach and all-things British.

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