The I Am Second Blog

What if I Don’t Have a Story to Share?

Written by Alaina McLemore | March 21, 2024

I love a good redemption story. Hearing how peoples’ lives drastically changed after they began walking with God always gives me chills and gets me hyped. But I know plenty of people that would say they don’t have that story. Maybe you feel that way. Maybe you grew up in church, got saved at a young age and have never walked away from God. Maybe you don’t feel like you have a story to share; but friends, as we focus this month on discovering your story, I’m here to tell you that you do!

To be honest, I’m one of those people. I’m nowhere near perfect, but I was raised in church, saved when I was eight and have been walking with God ever since. I used to think I didn’t really have a story to share, but I’ve learned that’s not true. Even if you’ve never lived in darkness or rebellion, I would venture to guess that you’ve walked through trials. No one makes it through life without going through hardships and learning lessons – that’s where your story is.

Know that God is always with us and we feel him the most when we are struggling. In fact, Psalm 34 tells us just that: “God is close to the brokenhearted.” Whether you’re in that season now or can reflect on past seasons of brokenness, I bet you have lessons you’ve learned from that time. That’s your story! You can share how God was there for you. Still too generic? Let me give you a personal example.

In my early twenties, I walked through a season of deep sadness like I’d never experienced before. I was worn out physically, emotionally and mentally trying to make sense of some things that just didn’t make sense. I was in my room, crying my eyes out (you know, the kind of cleansing cry that doesn’t help anything but makes you feel better), and I was calling out to God. I was just talking to him like he was in the room (because he was) and my heart was so broken, I just needed his comfort. I told him that I wished he could come down from heaven and hug me. That’s what I wanted and needed most in that moment. I had my eyes closed while I was doing all of this and when I opened them, a single teardrop stained my sweatpants. A teardrop that physically could not have come from me based on how I was sitting and where it was. I knew immediately that it was from God. Psalm 56 says that God keeps a record of our tears, and that little teardrop on my leg gave me the instant comfort that a hug would have.

I know that may sound a little out there to some of you, but it’s my story, and it’s an experience that’s given me encouragement, hope and a reminder of how much God loves me as I’ve walked through other, much harder trials. When you share your story, don’t try to judge how people will receive it – that’s God’s job. Just be obedient to share the lessons he’s taught you and trust that God will use it in someone else’s life. 

Another example comes to mind: My mom shared her story in church when she was a teenager and didn’t really think she had much to share, but after the service, a young girl went up to her and told her that my mom’s story had made a profound impact on her. Just because you may not think much of it, that doesn’t mean God won’t use it.

God created everything and everyone for a purpose, on purpose. Whether your story is one of radical redemption or quiet faithfulness, he has a good plan for you and will use your life experiences to bless others. So take some time to think about your story and look for opportunities to share it. And if you need some help, we’ve got some tips to help you learn how to share your story. We can’t wait to hear it!