The I Am Second Blog

Redeeming What’s Been Lost

Written by Alaina McLemore | October 10, 2024

I’ve watched our Nicole C. Mullen film multiple times now, and I still get tears in my eyes and chills when I hear her tell her story. She wrote and sings the award-winning song, “Redeemer.” This is a song I’ve heard all my life and one that often comes to me when I’m dealing with stressful things – situations where I’ve come to the end of myself. When I feel hopeless, I often begin to hear the famous lyrics and melody speak to my soul: “I know my Redeemer lives. All of creation testifies, this life within me cries – I know my Redeemer lives.”

Remembering that truth and speaking it over myself and my situation helps me refocus. It reminds me that I’m not in control – God is – and he has promised to help me. He has promised that he will never leave me or let me fail – he will redeem everything.

If you’ve watched the film, you know that’s Nicole’s story. She began her faith walk when she was a young child and prayed that God would use her, but she never dreamed she would be the victim of domestic violence. Throughout the film, she goes on to share how the end of her first marriage made her feel like a failure and how her second marriage was full of betrayal and depression.

I’m sure in those seasons, she felt very far from the little girl that asked God to use her. I’m sure she played the game of, “If only I could go back and tell myself this or that.” We’ve all done it. We’ve all made decisions we regret – some of them with more permanent results than others. At one point or another, we all feel far from God and far from his plan for our lives.

This is a dangerous place to be because we are vulnerable. In this weakened state, the enemy attacks. It’s not necessarily the big event that shakes us the most; it’s the subtle lies that follow that keep us down. When we experience rejection and betrayal or make mistakes, what’s the first thing we often do? We question ourselves. “What did I do wrong? Why am I not good enough? Maybe I'm just not smart enough.” Sound familiar? If we’re not careful to guard our thoughts, we begin to believe the most damaging lie of all – the lie that says, “I’ve messed up too much for God to use me.”

Friends, let me grab my microphone and put it on blast: YOU ARE NEVER TOO FAR GONE TO BE REDEEMED! In fact, in 2 Corinthians 12, Paul tells us that when we are weak, God is our strength. God is always there to help us and give us what we need when we need it. Nicole continued to pray through what she calls her “night season,” – a time of darkness and hopelessness – and she began to see God’s presence in her life. She saw as he began to transform and redeem what she thought was lost.

“God began to give me more songs in my night season, and he began to comfort my heart. He began to love on me, and before I knew it, what was a comfort to me became a comfort to other people,” Nicole said.

Isaiah 44:22 tells us that God has redeemed us. More than that, he wants us to come to him without worry or fear. He has made a way, he has forgiven and forgotten our mistakes and failures – he wants you just as you are right now. Friends, that’s love. So whatever feels lost – your talents, your marriage, your time – God can and will redeem it and use it for your good and his glory. Don’t give up!