It’s hard to believe that we’re already almost through the first month of 2025. Before we dive in, let’s go ahead and address the elephant in the room – how are your New Year’s resolutions going? Or did you take time to set your intentions for the year? No matter what you call them, chances are, now might be the time that some of us are beginning to be tempted into old habits and patterns.
The excitement of the new workout clothes and programs has dimmed after spending a few weeks getting up early. Or perhaps you’ve started cleaning and organizing and are at the place where it looks worse before it gets better. Maybe you’ve been trying to read your Bible more and have come to the place where you just don’t feel like you’re hearing anything or understanding what you’re reading.
If the shine of a new year and new goals has lost its shimmer, we’ve curated a list of films to inspire you and renew your motivation. God created the community to help each other and set examples for each other. That’s the mission of I Am Second films – to share stories of how God has moved in peoples’ lives and remind you that he can and will move in yours.
To the ones focusing on prayer in 2025, Meghan Patrick’s film is a great reminder that God sees and hears us wherever we are. Her life began to change as she learned to incorporate daily prayer into her life. Praying helped Meghan see that God was the author of her story and she could depend on him. The Scrugg’s film is another great example of the power of consistent prayer. Jeff and Cheryl both dealt with pain, betrayal, rejection and reconciliation by taking everything to God in prayer. Don’t fall for the lie that you have to say elegant prayers or spend hours on your knees – that will only discourage you. I like to talk to God like I talk to my best friend. I pray first thing when I wake up and before I go to sleep; and I also say short prayers throughout the day. Remember, God loves you and wants to have an open dialogue with you.
If 2025 is the year you want to find a Christian community, then you’ll definitely want to watch Paul and Amy Hauser’s series. In this story, we see the influences of different communities and how they can help us get better or not. I know it’s hard to find that group of people who will do life with you and stick by you, but God says to keep looking until you find them. As I’ve said before, life is hard, and it’s harder when you’re alone. In addition, Tyler & Bethany Tony’s series is another great testament to the power of a good community. When faced with the toughest decisions of his life, Tyler’s friends prayed for him and challenged him out of love. The Bible tells us that when we are in a Christian community, we are to be like iron sharpening iron. In community, we’re able to be loved where we are, but we are also challenged to grow through the path God has us on.
Sharing your story can be scary. With so much derision in the world, everyone taking offense at everything and your reputation seemingly held up by a tiny thread that can be destroyed with one keyboard, putting yourself out there can be a challenge. So for everyone who has a goal of sharing your story more, take a look at Chip and Joanna Gaines’ story. Joanna always saw herself as safe in the background; never quite ready to take a chance and step out on faith. Chip, on the other hand, was all throttle, no brakes. In being married to each other, they both saw God – and their purpose – in a whole new way. Joanna realized that when she was following God’s leading, she could step outside of her comfort zone and still be safe. Jesus tells us to go and make disciples of all nations (aka, share your story). That is what we are called to do in life, so we can step out in peace, knowing that, like in every other moment of life, God is with us.
So as we wrap up the first month of a new year (we’ve almost made it!), I pray that you will continue to feel motivated in not just your resolutions and goals, but in how you’re building your relationship with God. Even if you can’t see it now, he’s got good things planned for you.