
How God Uses Dreams to Impact Lives

Daniel Berry

February 27, 2025 | 2 minute read

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you’d do anything to get it?

Or perhaps you’ve discovered God’s purpose for your life, but you have no idea how to get there. Maybe you’ve even pursued big goals, but circumstances forced you to change your plans. Dreams come in many forms, but we all have them.

Sometimes, our ambitions become a reality. We feel on top of the world. Other times, they come crashing down. Doubt creeps in and we begin to rethink things.

We may even be tempted to stop dreaming completely.

But is that what God really wants for us? Can he use our dreams for good? Or are we just fooling ourselves?

When we look in Psalm 37:4, it says, "take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” This and other verses tell us that if a desire or dream aligns with God’s will, then it’s worth pursuing.

Jack Blyth knows a thing or two about dreams. He’s living one. Though, it’s admittedly a bit different than the one he first envisioned.

As an assistant track and field coach at the prestigious IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida, he gets to have an impact on some of the most promising athletes in the country. Jack can relate to his student athletes because he was in the Junior PGA Tour as a young kid. He had dreams of becoming a professional golfer until God changed his trajectory.

Jack began to realize a talent for track and running and decided to pursue this new dream as a way to honor God. As a result, he began to make an impact on his college campus by becoming one of our first Team Second Ambassadors, later helping him develop tools and skills to continue to share the gospel at IMG Academy as a coach. He currently helps lead a Bible study at the academy that has seen dozens of students come to know Jesus for the first time.

Jack took where God placed him and ran with it (no pun intended). And it’s a good lesson for the rest of us to make the most of our given opportunities to spread the Gospel, no matter where we are in life.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 

It can be tempting to think that you’re not making an impact, but this is a lie from the enemy. Satan wants nothing more than to contain your potential, and he knows that if you have a positive impact on even one person’s life, it will glorify God. 

The truth is, if you believe in Jesus, you have a light inside you. And you could be the only light some people see in their lifetime. If you can be used by the Lord to improve someone’s relationship with him, then that makes any change in direction worth it.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Yes, God can use your dreams to impact lives. He did it for Jack Blyth. He did it for Joseph, Daniel and so many other “dreamers” in the Bible. He can do it for you.

So dream big.

Daniel Berry

Daniel Berry

Daniel has been writing professionally for nearly 20 years, authoring HOPE for the Hurting Marriage and several other books about addictions, mental health issues and spiritual warfare. He, his wife and two children live in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

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