The I Am Second Blog

Embracing Discomfort as an Introvert

Written by Daniel Berry | March 13, 2025

Fifteen years ago, I was thrown into one of the most uncomfortable situations of my young life.

Freshly graduated from college with a degree in journalism, I had just finished a four-year stint at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram before landing the college sports beat at a small newspaper in Southwest Georgia. 

One of my first assignments was interviewing the head football coach of the local Division III program. A former NFL lineman, he was imposing, gruff and seemingly always in a bad mood. My job was simple: Get to know him, have him answer a few questions and then write my first article for the paper.

The only problem? I was a big-time introvert. 

Walking down to the field, I realized that I had to actually talk to someone I didn’t know — in front of people — and somehow appear like I knew what I was doing. (I guess I hadn’t really thought this scenario through when choosing my major). I had written countless articles before, sure, but never had to interview someone so… intimidating.

I began to panic. 

Every fiber of my being wanted to stop, turn around and make up an excuse for why I couldn’t interview him. Of course, I’d have to skip town and change my name afterwards, but that would be worth avoiding such an uncomfortable situation.

“God,” I quickly prayed. “Please help me get through this.”

Somehow, I kept going. I made myself walk down onto that field. I asked the questions I had written down. I got through the interview. And once I was done, I wrote the article. The world didn’t explode, nor did I lose all credibility as a journalist. Everything worked out.

While those nerves never went away completely, I slowly grew more confident with every interview from that moment on. I can see now that the discomfort helped me grow.

Sharing the Gospel can be a similar experience for most of us. When we have an opportunity to talk about Jesus with someone, so many questions race through our minds:

  • What do I even say to this person?
  • What if I don’t know the answer to a question?
  • What if I get something wrong?
  • What if this ruins our relationship?

The “what ifs” can paralyze the best of us. They can take away our desire to share God’s Story. But it is possible to silence these doubts by asking more positive questions instead.

  • What if the Holy Spirit gives me the right words to say?
  • What if this is their only opportunity to learn about Jesus?

Sharing the Gospel can be difficult — especially if you’re an introvert. But the more you do it, the better you get at it. You grow spiritually. You mature. And you learn from it. 

1 Timothy 4:15 says, “Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.”

Will you make mistakes? Probably. The discomfort is real at times. But the good news is that God can still use whatever you say to plant good seeds for His kingdom. He just wants your obedience. If you feel the nudge to witness to someone, follow through and trust that He’ll take it from there.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16.

In my experience, God will give you the words to say, more often than not. He’ll bring to mind past verses, experiences and stories that are exactly what your audience needs to hear. You might even surprise yourself with what comes out of your mouth! 

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26.

But none of it will happen if you don’t take that first, uncomfortable step. Just like your physical muscles won’t get stronger if you don’t exercise them, your spiritual power won’t improve if it isn’t tested. 

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16.

Embrace the discomfort. Pursue opportunities for growth. And never let an opportunity to share the Gospel pass you by.