The I Am Second Blog

Bieber: The Most Human Season I've Ever Been In

Written by Doug Bender | September 03, 2019

Justin Bieber has made no secret of his struggle with mental health and how faith in Jesus has strengthened him. In a new YouTube documentary he shares how he got to the point of feeling “really, really suicidal,” and that anyone who is struggling should seek help. Here are a few of his tips and how they square with Jesus’ words on the topic.

God Forgives Huge Mistakes

Justin Bieber took to Instagram to open up like never before on his troubled and mistake filled past. The excessive pressures of childhood stardom coupled with his parents separating made for a toxic mix of circumstances. He confessed entering adulthood having "never even learned the fundamentals of responsibilities." This led to him doing heavy drugs, underage drinking, relationship trouble, and more. He says that by the age of twenty he "had made every bad decision you could have thought of." He still struggles with depression and mistakes from the past, but what let's him start the healing is knowing that God forgives the worst mistakes. Forgiveness is a bright light in his otherwise dark bouts with depression. If you find yourself in a dark place, take hold of God's forgiveness and you too can catch a glimpse of the light.

Look Around and Calm Yourself 

The technique of “grounding” aims to distract your mind away from worrying about the future by focusing on the present. While the technique, and for that matter the whole field of psychology, is a modern concept, Jesus certainly spoke about not worrying for tomorrow when he said, “Do not worry about life. Look at the birds of the air...your Father feeds them. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” 

So go ahead. look at the birds and the grass and the trees. Focus on what’s around you now and today. Let tomorrow worry about itself.

FIGHT! with Truths 

Bieber opens up with a declaration of victory. Whether its anxiety, OCD, depression, or any other mental health struggle, you have to hold on to hope. Life can and will get better, but you’ll have to fight for it. And truth is your weapon. Some of Bieber’s weapons of choice come from Jesus like:  

“I have told you these things, so that you can have peace because of me. In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world.” -Jesus, (John 16:33)

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind." - Paul (2 Timothy 1:7)

Hope needs a foundation. You can’t just think positive and expect to win out in the end. You have to know that the victory is sure, even if you can’t see it or feel it in the present. That’s something Jesus gives. He walked among us healing the sick, setting people free, and raising the dead to life. He proved his power in the past, giving us a foundation of hope for the future. That’s a truth you can rest on.

Get Jesus to Get Free from Bondage

Life is thoroughly confusing. Everyone has their own truths, advice, insights, and opinions. And social media lets them shout these to you anytime people feel like it. Anything you post online can and will evoke people’s cheers and boos, accolades and criticisms. But Justin Beiber has found a truth that he holds to no matter what. And that one truth has set him free. Jesus promised his followers that if you hold to his teaching, “then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” If you need to be set free, follow Jesus and you’ll discover a truth that gives freedom.

Be Honest, Be Praying

I remember seeing this post when Bieber first put it up earlier this year. He’s rich, famous, and married to the beautiful love of his life. “How could he be struggling?” everyone asked. But Justin answers this question in his own post when he says that this is “...the most human season I’ve ever been in…” Struggle is a human condition. As long as you identify as human, you’ll have those times and seasons of struggle. Don’t deny it. Don’t bury it. Be open with others and be open with God. Even Jesus had these dark moments. The night he was betrayed and turned over to be killed, he prayed and asked his Father if there was another way, if he really had to be tortured and killed for God’s plan to work. The Bible says he was “in anguish” and “his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” The human experience has struggle included in it, even Jesus knew this part of humanity. Be encouraged that you are not alone. But also, find courage in sharing with others and sharing with God. He’s there. And He cares. 

Hard Times Turn to Joy

Just this weekend, Bieber reminded his fans that trusting Jesus in hard times is not easy. But there is so much power in remembering the good that God has given you when you feel terrible. When joy is the furthest away you need to believe in it the most. Hard times won't last. That's the message of Jesus that keeps Bieber's head above the water when all else fails.

So look around and be present where you are. Fight with truths and with Jesus on your side. Be honest about your struggles. And keep praying. The victory is already won.


Need more Bieber? Check out these blogs:

"You Need to Read What Justin Bieber Said about Christianity--Because He's Right!"

"Justin Bieber Nails it Regarding God and Faith, Again"

"4 Things You Won't Believe Justin Bieber Said about God and Christians"