The I Am Second Blog

Impact Stories: Reflecting on 15 Years of a Movement

Written by Christina Tripp | February 06, 2024

Over the year's we've received messages about how I Am Second has impacted your lives. You and I know that the life-giving hope of Jesus is the only thing that can bring true peace to a hurting world. Our goal at I Am Second is to share that truth through storytelling that lifts up Jesus and points people to clear pathways for Living Second. 

Here are just a few of these incredible responses we've received. Read through and find encouragement! 

Do you have an impact story to tell? Email us about how I Am Second has made a difference in your life at 



My personal journey with I Am Second is pretty new, but I got saved when I was 6 years old. I am 24 years old now.

When I watched Matt Elrod's testimony, I was excited to support this movement. After downloading and reading through your "Who Am I?" resource, I truly feel that the content in the devotional is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It encourages me to Live Second. It is okay to put God first in everything I do. Now and forever.

As a competitive person, it tickles me to say in my heart, "I Am Second," but the freedom is real. And I am so thankful for your unique aspect of the Christian walk.



I have been watching I Am Second videos for a long time and love hearing real testimonies from influencers on how Jesus has impacted their lives.

Because I am a huddle leader for FCA, I have shared many of these videos with students and then used them to break into small groups and share what they have learned through watching the video. I sometimes create a slideshow with scripture to share as well. Mostly, I encourage kids to watch these videos and share the site with others who might want to know more about the transforming power of Jesus Christ in a variety of people's lives and many situations.

I Am Second is a treasure trove of stories about how Jesus connects the dots for people and changes their lives. Thanks for your work. 



I am so blessed that Jesus tracked me down in January of 1981. I have been living dependent on Him ever since.

I discovered "I Am Second" several years ago, and each time I hear and view a testimony, I get choked up when the speaker says their name and then, "I Am Second".

I have forwarded countless testimonies to those who are struggling with similar trials. And I have sent a handful to my searching adult son, who often thanks me and recognizes he battles the same things the speaker battled with. Your videos have impacted him on his faith journey, and I am waiting for the day my son comes to know Jesus personally. 



We have been so pleased to be supporters of E3 ministries for many years. We had a dear friend who introduced us to I Am Second and went all in with the power of the message and its meaning many years ago.

My wife and I were delighted to be asked to lead a newly implemented marriage ministry at our church back in 2013. That opportunity opened the door to leading (second) and allowing the Holy Spirit to place us on a path that has today produced a new book, "Spirit Filled Marriage," and our active involvement in over 800 couples' lives. The awareness to have an open hand and a servant's heart knowing we are Second has made all the difference. He has allowed us to participate WITH Him and for Him throughout the past 10 years. (I could go on with many wonderful stories...)

Through our YES and His leading, we have witnessed His life-changing power in marriage after marriage! The legacies, the changed lives and the power of reconciliation have only come through my wife and I living SECOND to His powerful grace and significant love.

We are thankful for Living Second.



My son has been a huge fan of Dude Perfect for years. Since he's a fan, I had to check them out, too. And then I became a fan.

When the I Am Second video about Tyler Toney came out, I, of course, watched it. It was so powerful. I then had my son watch it. It really ministered to him. We've had multiple conversations about Tyler, Dude Perfect, their ministry and their ability to reach people for Christ. 

When you have a teenager, sometimes talking about important things such as God or ministry can be hard because they are busy doing their own thing. Having a video series like I Am Second to watch with him has been such a blessing.



I am a 40-year educator, a teacher, a coach and a high school administrator. At two different high schools, I have implemented the I Am Second videos in small group meetings, called Advisory Groups, to share the Gospel of Christ through the stories of changed lives. I believe that the I Am Second narratives can help influence and shape the lives of high school students for the Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. 



I am a very busy hairdresser. I love what I do, and I love interacting with people daily. I wear my I Am Second bracelet on my left wrist, which is my cutting hand, and I never take it off. I’m talking years and years. Clients over the years have asked me what it means. I tell them it is a reminder that God is First, I Am Second. 

Over the years, I have watched client after client come in, now wearing an I Am Second bracelet. Some proudly show me, some don’t mention it, perhaps waiting to see it I notice, which I always do. 

My job is about making people feel good about themselves by making them look great. I am also listener, confidante, counselor and advice/recommendation giver. 

When I see clients coming in wearing items that I wear, I love that I was an inspiration! It fills my heart that I am more to them than just their hairdresser.