We’ve had some exciting changes this summer at I Am Second, specifically the recent launch of our new I Am Second Español website! It features I Am Second content all in Spanish, including nine all-Spanish White Chair Films and Spanish subtitles on 190+ films in English. We can’t wait for you to explore and share it with your Spanish-speaking friends.
We recently sat down with Claudia Adame and Rosita Blanco, who work in the Hispanic Global Mobilization ministry for e3 Partners Ministry (I Am Second's parent organization). Here’s a behind-the-scenes exclusive for the inspiration behind I Am Second Español and how they hope it will impact the Hispanic community for Jesus.
Where did the idea for launching I Am Second Español come from?
Claudia Adame:
I Am Second Español starts with e3 Partners Español. e3 Partners Español is the Hispanic expression of the vision, mission and strategy of e3. We have been focusing a lot on church planting led by Hispanics for Hispanics and other people groups. So as e3 Partners has embraced I Am Second as a digital presence to be able to inspire people to share their story, to glorify God and to Live Second, then the next strategic step for e3 Partners Español was clearly I Am Second Español.
Rosita Blanco:
Now that we’ve been in the field, we’ve noticed that people are very familiar with I Am Second within the Hispanic community. Having those nine videos about Hispanic people in Spanish has helped people want to know more about I Am Second within the Hispanic community, and they also use the films to share their faith.
What do you believe will be the impact of I Am Second Español?
With the variety of the films we have both in Spanish and with Spanish closed captions, it gives Hispanic believers an opportunity to say, “Maybe I’m not struggling specifically with what you are, but let me tell you about this particular person and how the Lord helped them overcome a very similar circumstance.”
I Am Second Español is also a way to have a sense of belonging for Hispanic believers. I Am Second has created a movement, a sense of belonging and a community, especially with Live Second. I believe the world around us – every single culture you can imagine – is somehow struggling with that. Providing common ground for Spanish-speaking believers to connect and find support will have such a positive impact. That’s what has inspired the movement of I Am Second, and we believe I Am Second Español will do the same thing.
We believe it’s going to help minister to people, help them understand they can belong to a movement that God is leading, and help them understand that our purpose in Living Second is to take what we know and share that with others. It’s a very logical and simple tool, but beyond that, it’s an inspiration to be more of who Christ called us to be and to share that opportunity with others.
This is a wonderful tool and a wonderful opportunity to reach the youth. They are bilingual and will be able to share I Am Second Español with their non-bilingual family and friends. I think this is going to explode in a beautiful way, not only for people that are already familiar with I Am Second, but also as a way for them to get involved in our community.
Youth is obviously a main target for I Am Second Español; who else are you hoping to reach with this website?
After youth, we think I Am Second Español will be a great tool for pastors and church leaders. Non-English speakers and the whole Hispanic community will benefit from this website and the resources it provides.
What I Am Second films – English and Spanish – have had the most impact on you personally?
The story of Brian Welch, the guitarist from Korn, impacted me deeply. I wish all the young people who follow that type of music would watch his video. It is so inspiring; the drugs, the family crisis, being young and suddenly being a parent… all that stuff that comes with a crazy life. But from that video you can see how God is also in that environment. He also cares about those people that seem very lost.
In the Hispanic videos, I like that they cover topics like immigration; people who have come to this country with nothing and God has used them in a beautiful way. There are also stories of Latinos who have lived here their whole lives but they have also struggled.
What I love about I Am Second is that you can find videos about very famous people and just regular people like you and me. Every testimony is rich and everyone can relate to one or another.
Currently, my favorite is the Lauren Akins film. Like every other I Am Second film, it’s genuine and it’s raw, as in, “This is who I am; here are my struggles.” I think it’s important for everyone to know that God does not call us to be perfect. He calls us to be dependent on him for the ups and downs of life. This is still not our home; there’s pain, there’s temptation, there’s struggles. But it doesn't mean we can’t be faithful in our walk. He understands us and loves us unconditionally. The reason that film is really moving to me is that it is a good reminder that it’s fine to admit it’s okay not to be okay all the time. God still loves me. He will help me through this. It’s good to be honest about what I’m going through so I don’t have to go through it by myself. I don’t have to figure it all out by myself. We’re not being called to perfection; we’re being called to relationship.
The Hispanic video that stands out to me most is Myrka Dellanos. Sometimes people in the public eye want to maintain an image of perfection, and for her to be secure enough in the Lord and in her identity in Christ to say, “Yes, this happened to me, and my job is in public life, but I am a person and I have struggles.” Her courage stands out, to be able to live beyond that crisis in her life and to always seek hope because she knows God.
What are you most excited about for the future of I Am Second Español?
Ultimately, besides all the benefits of I Am Second Español, I really believe it will get the word out about e3 Partners Español, which serves Hispanic churches and Hispanic ministries. We come alongside them and help equip them on how to successfully share their story. We also show them the opportunity we have once someone comes to know God to be able to help them grow and connect with the community so we can learn God’s word together, love, encourage and support one another, and move forward in our journey with God.
The other thing we’re hoping from this launch is that more Hispanic churches and ministries would become aware that we have resources to help them.
I love that I Am Second Español is the first step for people to put God and others first and themselves second. I hope people will be inspired and want to connect and work together. I am also excited for the next collection of films we will be working on; we are already thinking about potential people and how they would impact this community with their story. The best is yet to come!